Employers commend government's plan to cut red tape for businesses

Pixabay / Ilustracija

The head of the Croatian Employers' Association, Davor Majetic, on Thursday commended an action plan to ease the administrative burden on businesses the government endorsed earlier today, saying it was important to continue taking steps cutting red tape and relieving the business sector.

“We commend the action plan to relieve businesses, presented today, which will save (businesses) over 600 million kuna (€80.7 million),” Majetic told the Croatian state news agency Hina.

He added the move was very important “because this 600 million kuna will stay in the hands of employers who will be able to invest it and increase employees’ salaries.”

He said it was important to simplify time-consuming procedures, adding this was especially important for small and medium-sized businesses which have few resources, making any time-saving measure important.

“It’s necessary to introduce more serious control so that the number of new taxes for citizens or employers doesn’t get out of hand again,” he added.

The action plan to ease administrative burden on businesses in 2019, endorsed on Thursday, contains some 314 measures, Economy Minister Darko Horvat said, adding those included simplifying procedures through digitisation, cutting down on the amount of required paperwork and scraping or reducing certain fees.

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