MojPosao jobseeking website records 37 pct more job ads


In the first six months of 2018 there were 30,050 job ads posted on, the largest Croatian jobseeking website, which is a 37 percent increase from the same period the year before, the website said on Thursday.

By job, the most positions advertised were for waiters, salespeople, cooks, warehouse workers, programmers, drivers, and workers in manufacturing.

Jobs in the tourist and hospitality industries and sales accounted for 40 percent of all ads posted on the website during the period. These are followed by jobs in manufacturing and skilled crafts (13 percent).

In terms of demand, as indicated by personal profiles of registered users, the biggest group are people in sales (22 percent), followed by office workers (17 percent), and tourism and hospitality (15 percent).

In terms of type of employment, open-ended contracts were offered in 60 percent of all ads, or up by 1 percent from the same period last year. Jobs on fixed term contracts accounted for 57 percent of ads, or 6 percent up from last year.

On the other hand, 48 percent of jobseekers were looking for open-ended jobs, with only 25 percent willing to take up fixed-term arrangements.

The majority of ads were looking for people with high school qualifications, with 56 percent of postings requiring a secondary school degree as a pre-requisite for applying, which matches the proportion of jobseekers with that level of education, at 55 percent.

About 27 percent of all ads were looking for university-educated employees, some 39 percent of ads looked for people speaking foreign languages, primarily English.

Previous job experience was required by 42 percent of all ads, or 3 percent down from the year before, and the average length of experience was 2.2 years, which remained unchanged.

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